Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Its time to let go!!!! I am the first person to admit I have a strong need for control. I have been called a nerd and a geek because I was that one that had everything you could every possibly need in my purse or locker or office desk. At some point, we have to take a step back and realize that teaching is not about the teacher. It is about student success. Though it can be uncomfortable, teachers have to learn that what they have been doing may not be working. If its not working, its time to try something new.
Learning new technology has been so difficult for me. I have struggled to learn and apply that learning to the way I do things. I accept the fact that I have to change, instead of trying to change the world around me. I think part of the reason that some teachers are stuck in the “lecture rut” could be related to their generation. It seems that teachers expect kids to change in order to be successful in THEIR classroom. When in fact, teachers need to be the ones will to be flexible in order to best serve their students

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