Wednesday, July 30, 2008

To discipline assertively or not to discipline assertively, that is the question! I think that this is somewhat like the decisions you make as a parent. How much discipline is enough? When do you start to discipline a child? Who is going to be in control?
I found it very interesting that the opponents of assertive discipline argue that it is more effective to teach students the value of the rules and freedom that comes by following those rules. I do agree that it is important that children understand why a teacher is putting limitations on them. It is also important that they understand that outside forces place expectations on everyone.
If I were going into the elementary field, I would try to focus on teaching the value of rules. It is so important to understand that the way we raise our children may not be the same as the way our students are raised. Some young children have never had boundries and expectations placed on them. These children are at a severe disadvantage because they have not had any practice following rules. The way young children test their parents and the way their parents respond are a valuable tool needed for maturity. Children cannot learn self-regulation without practice.
Because I am going to teach secondary, I feel that the importance of rules should already be understood. It is my responsibility to follow through with what their previous teachers have given them. It is important that I make following rules important in my classroom. I have to assure each student a place to learn while being secure that the social learning of kindergarten is still important. We still have to be nice, take turns, and follow all the other kindergarten rules.
By being firm, yet fair, I will continue to set those expectations. It is not just enough to be assertive. Though it sounds trite, I believe that every person responds better when treated with dignity and respect. It is important to balance the need for control with the kindness and sentiment we feel for students. It is necessary for a teacher to be the example in a classroom. Sometimes, people are not going to be very nice. The way a teacher deals with an incident like that sets the tone for the year. We have to choose our battles yet be determined to win them.

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